55 Day Grand Expedition: from Cotonou to Marrakech

Duration: 55 days
Area: Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and the Bijagos Archipelago, The Gambia, Senegal and Casamance, Mauritania, Morocco and the Western Sahara Province
Style: adventurous expedition, cultural tour
Comfort Level:
55 Days Grand Expedition: from Cotonou to Marrakech
“A once-in-a-lifetime experience”
Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau and the Bijagos Archipelago, The Gambia, Senegal and Casamance, Mauritania, Morocco and the Western Sahara Province.
Trip Summary
EXPERIENCE Be at the forefront of a "Great Expedition" that starts from the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, crosses forests and savannahs to reach and cross the Sahara from south to north. The itinerary traverses the main natural, cultural and religious environments of the African continent.
In Benin and Togo, the itinerary focuses on the African origins of Voodoo to witness ceremonies, drums, dances and trance states. In Ghana we discover the Ashanti ethnic group at the time of traditional rituals, enjoy wild beaches and ancient slave trade castles.
Along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, we travel between pristine coastlines and wild islands. We will cross remote forests and mountains where the arrival of foreigners is a rare event. In the lesser-known corners of Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, we will walk on liana bridges to isolated villages, discover sacred forests, be greeted by traditional chiefs, sit in council with notables and elders, and meet diamond seekers in action.
In Guinea Bissau, we will attend a "tribal concert" performed by the Griot: descendants of musicians and storytellers dating back to the 12th century. We will enjoy three days of sailing exploring the Bijagos Archipelago. Driving north, the landscape will change from forest to savannah. After the sacred dancing masks of Casamance, the silhouette of the mosques will be a sign that as the natural environment has changed, so has the cultural and religious environment, from traditional animism to a peaceful and local version of Islam.
In Senegal, Cap d'Almadine is the westernmost point on the African continent. In Mauritania, the landscape and environment will change again, moving from savannah to desert. While crossing the Sahara, we discover the oases of Chinguetti and Ouadane, dating back to the 13th century.
Driving north toward the Tropic of Cancer we reach Western Sahara (now Morocco's Saharan Provinces) and its virgin sands. A region forbidden to travellers for decades, where we are proud to be the first. Several references will enrich the expedition that follows the routes of birds migrating to Europe after wintering in Africa. Crossing the Sahara, we will partly retrace an ancient caravan route to rediscover the same stone architecture thousands of miles north, on the other side of the desert. Graffiti will also be a reference, from present-day urban graffiti to prehistoric rock art.
A once-in-a-lifetime experience: during this multifaceted expedition we will also interact with "contemporary Africa." Walking through the intense city life of Accra, Abidjan, Freetown or Dakar. Feel the exciting mix of urban culture, live music, meet young and urban artists, experience fusion cuisine.
The right terminal to end this expedition from the Gulf of Guinea to North Africa will be Marrakech, an ancient crossroads and caravanserai and now a modern, traditional cosmopolitan city.
CLIMATE. The departure dates have been chosen to enjoy the best climate. Late autumn (and spring) are the perfect seasons to travel through the Sahara: temperatures are mild and pleasant; nights are cool but not cold and the days are warm but not hot. Winter (and early spring) are the coolest times of the dry season in Sub-Saharan West Africa.
COMFORT is a must to fully enjoy a long travel experience off the beaten path.
Transports: modern, air-conditioned 4x4 vehicles will be the main means of transport on rugged routes, while on main roads, modern, comfortable air-conditioned minibuses will be used.
Overnights: in comfortable hotels, four stars (****) in the capitals. Recent hotels with air-conditioned rooms and private facilities in the rest of the itinerary. The accommodations have been chosen prioritizing comfort, quality of food, friendly service, typical architectural style, and scenic locations. In the remote areas of the Sahara, we will enjoy two nights at our mobile camp with large Bedouin tents, carpets, mattresses and chairs. In case of sand wind, a comfortable restaurant-tent will be set for dinner. A well-organized camp experience under the stars of the desert is a must for the “Sahara experience”.
SAFETY is our main concern. The expedition is based on our long experience of the area and is led by knowledgeable expedition leaders. The itinerary is safe, our local network constantly monitors it thanks to a permanent presence in the field providing updated information.
Day 1 | Cotonou - Benin |
Day 2 | The Stilts Village - Benin |
Day 3 | Ouidah, Afro-Brasilian Culture - Benin |
Day 4 | Voodo - Benin - Togo |
Day 5 | Lome: Cosmopolitan and Stylish Capital - Togo - Ghana |
Day 6 | Accra “The Capital” - Ghana |
Day 7 | ASHANTI - Ghana |
Day 8 | Elmina Unique Atmosphere - Ghana |
Day 9 | From Gold to Ivory - Ghana - Ivory Coast |
Day 10 | Grand Bassam - Ivory Coast |
Day 11 | Abidjan, Skyscrapers and Lagoons - Ivory Coast |
Day 12 | Cathedral in The Savannah - Ivory Coast |
Day 13 | Magic Traditions - Ivory Coast |
Day 14 | Masks of Beauty - Ivory Coast |
Day 15 | Liana Bridges - Ivory Coast - Liberia |
Day 16 | Liberia: The Land of Freemen - Liberia |
Day 17 | Bundo: Female Masks - Liberia - Sierra Leone |
Day 18 | Diamonds - Sierra Leone |
Day 19 | Banana Island - Sierra Leone |
Day 20 | Freetown Peninsula - Sierra Leone |
Day 21 | The National Ballet - Sierra Leone - Guinea |
Day 22 | African Bas-Relief - Guinea |
Day 23 | Fouta Djalon - Guinea |
Day 24 | A Remote Core of Africa - Guinea - Guinea Bissau |
Day 25 | Griot: The African Trobadors - Guinea Bissau |
Day 26 | Bijagos Sacred Archipelago: The Ghost Capital - Guinea Bissau |
Day 27 | Vaca Bruto Dancing Ceremony - Guinea Bissau |
Day 28 | Islander Life - Guinea Bissau |
Day 29 | Between Water and Land - Guinea Bissau - Senegal |
Day 30 | Casamance: Kings and Masks - Senegal |
Day 31 | Gambian Birds - Senegal - Gambia |
Day 32 | Stone Circles - Gambia - Senegal |
Day 33 | Goree Island - Senegal |
Day 34 | Dakar Metropolis: World Cuisine - Senegal |
Day 35 | The Largest Fishing Village - Senegal |
Day 36 | Saint Louis - Senegal |
Day 37 | Djoudj Ornitological Sanctuary - Senegal - Mauritania |
Day 38 | Nouakchott - Mauritania |
Day 39 | Dunes and Mountains Mauritania |
Day 40 | Chinguetti, The Oasis - Mauritania |
Day 41 | Ouadane: The Remotest - Mauritania |
Day 42 & 43 | Lush Oasis - Mauritania |
Day 44 | Tropic of Cancer - Mauritania - Morocco |
Day 45 | Rio de Oro - Morocco |
Day 46 & 47 | Western Sahara: The Forbidden Track - Morocco |
Day 48 | From the Desert to The Ocean - Morocco |
Day 49 | Dunes and Lagoons - Morocco |
Day 50 | Estuaries and Fishermen - Morocco |
Day 51 | Camel Market and Caravan Terminal - Morocco |
Day 52 | The Oasis Trail - Morocco |
Day 53 | Dunes and Fossils - Morocco |
Day 54 | Rock Art - Morocco |
Day 55 | Marrakech – Morocco |
Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, The Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Morocco and the Western Sahara Province.
PRICES: please request for rates
Or Join us for one of the 25 possible legs of the expedition:
1) WEST AFRICA: 16 options, from 6 to 34 days itineraries. Savannahs and forests, unknown rituals, tribes and cultures in the most intriguing Sub-Saharan regions.
2) WEST AFRICA & SAHARA: 6 options, from 14 to 51 days itineraries. From the forests to savannahs and to the Sahara crossing. Experiencing a great variety of landscapes, peoples and tribal cultures from animistic villages and masks to desert nomads, oasis and camel caravans.
3) THE SAHARA: 3 options, from 12 to 19 days itineraries crossing the largest desert on earth, experiencing wild ranges of dunes, oasis, nomadic herders, and camel caravans.